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Component Version








Database upgrade can take long time, depending on the database size. Temporarily scale up the server may speed up migration.

Payment database table support partitioning


The table where payments are stored grows rapidly (currently it has ~ 110 000 000 rows). This make query slower because of big sizes of indexes and other data structures. To address this issue PostgreSQL offers an instrument called table partitioning.

See more details in payments partitioning document.

Migration to partitions

Following steps are optional. If your system is small and performance is good you can skip it.

It migrate to partitions follow instructions here.


  • Extension of ID card bonus aka "Badesee" bonus. Add expiry date and max. number of usage per day to ID card bonus. See more in feature documentation on in PCON-2726.



Clean up of car license plates can be set individually per Area. Go to Area  Legal  Clean LPN. A positive value > 0 must be entered to activate the feature. The number means how may days a license plate number will be kept in the database. If filed is left empty, the feature is deactivated for this Area. Property pcon.gdpr.eviction.lpn was removed.

LPN visibility

There is a new role View LPN, which must be assigned to user be able to see LPN in various listings and exports. This role does not affect enforcement API, which always delivers LPN independently from this setting. Property pcon.gdpr.protect was removed.

Small changes

  • Links to logbooks in menu re-ordered.



Added support for partner RAO. Because it must have a counterpart on Windows it requires a configuration. Add following properties and supply real values how to connect the counterpart:



  • Updated translation to italian language.

  • Fix autocompletion in login form.

  • Remove error indicator on RAO configuration.


  • Fix performance issue by fetching filters. It caused nonfunctional logbooks.


  • Transfer sale point (PDM number and name) and means of payment to RAO (ParkIS).

  • New texts for status message 204.


  • Additional payment data in export API.

  • Use new API from Feratel.


  • Implementation of a new interface from Feratel [PCON-2854]

  • Fix revenue widget [PCON-2882]

  • New reasons for message 204

  • Italy need some new info for API, just now: ParkingMinutes:123, PagoPaID:123CDF564TYB [PCON-2887]


  • Bonus extension for Italy. Now it can be selected if a start or end of park time is considered.

  • Fix performance issus on database.


  • Fix handling of special characters in communication with RAO.