
This document is only collection of author’s notes, experiences and point of views. It is not, in any meaning, either complete description of the topic nor official RTB documentation. It may be inaccurate, incomplete, obsolete, misleading or completely wrong. It may even cause loss of data or damage system integrity. It may not comply with company codex, values, presentation style or economic interests or may reveal company secrets.

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The migration is possible only from version 17.3.

PDM firmware

Requires PDM firmware FW ≥


Requires Java 11, PostgreSQL 11. There is also change in deployment and configuration. The migration is possible only from version 17.3. This version has to be installed before the version 18 is installed. The database may be corrupted otherwise.

Real time parking

The RTP protocol between PDM and PCON has been changed in incompatible way. If you use RTP please use FW ≥


It is highly recommended to use HTTP2 to improve UI performance together with gzip content compression. See PCON-1668 for more details. It is a must on all RTB servers and should be also set on all custom servers.


There can be only one instance of pdm.control on the tomcat server in ROOT context. If you need to run multiple pdm.controls on the same server install multiple tomcats.


Put a prefix pcon before every key in the configuration file. Apply also changes described in chapters below.


The configuration is not any more in tomcat installation directory. It is necessary to set variable spring.config.location which defines locations where the configuration is searched. They are separated by comma. First part has to contain value classpath:/ and the other, path to your externalized configuration location. E.g. file:C:/rtb-home/. The whole variable can look like this: spring.config.location=classpath:/,file:C:/rtb-home/. The / character at the end of each part is important. At this location has to be file named application.properties or application.yml where all the properties are defined. The file is common for RTB applications running on this server. Tomcat configuration can look like this:

18 tomcat settings

The different directory has to be set for each running instance to distinguish between configurations.


A configuration value pcon.path.logging has to be set to determine the directory where the logs from this server will be stored. E.g.: pcon.path.logging=C:\rtb-home\server1\pdm_control\logs. For the optimization reasons the logs are not written to the file events.log immediately. If you want to see the logs in real time go to <server>/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes. Open file logback-spring.xml. Find element:


and change its value to true. Restart server to apply the changes.


Font path (for PDF) has to be defined in option pcon.path.fonts. E.g.: pcon.path.logging=C:\rtb-home\server1\pdm_control\fonts.


The option mail.smtp.authentication has been removed. The type of authentication is auto detected. If smtp requires TLS connection (e.g. gmail) please add following options to the configuration:


The rest of e-mail configuration is under pcon.mail key.

Other changes

UIs (new and old) merged. For full list of changes see Version 18 in Jira.



  • Link for selecting other PDM in the same zone. Click on PDM name (top right on PDM page)

18 pdm list
  • A right to confirm un-confirmable messages can be set separately (Confirm all status messages). The confirmatory must not be admin any more. See user rights settings. Please update you setting. The 'admin' right doesn’t work anymore.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in authentication fore enforcement API [PCON-1869].