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Recently (2023-01-01) there was a case that Croatia transitioned from local currency Croatian kuna to Euro. It is possible that other European countries will follow.

A longer time before transition a conversion ratio was defined by Croatian government. This article describes steps we did and our experience with it.

1. PDM.configuration

A configuration change needs to be done on PDM side.

Unknown set of changes. Please call our help-desk for more information.

2. PDM.control

It is not necessary to do any preparations on PDM.control. It handles each currency independently.

There is only one issue with cash box level for currencies which are no more accepted. Runtime window shows cash box level for current currency and additionally 0 for currency which is not used any more. Next image illustrate such a situation.

Figure 1. Multiple currency entry

Unfortunately there is no automatic way how to delete cash box level for currencies which are not accepted any more. PDM is not currency aware for each payment and clearing. It works only in one global currency. It is not able to provide information that a currency is not accepted any more. The only possibility is to delete records manually from database.

There is several possibilities.

Note: Existing Payments and Clearings are not affected by deletion described below. Only current cash box level will be affected.

2.1. Remove non existing currency globally

Remove all cash box levels for non existing currency where current levels is 0. This is the safest way.

Delete zero entries
FROM control.cash_box_level
WHERE currency = 'HRK' AND cash_box_level = 0;

Alternatively all cash box level entries for non existing currency can be removed. Use this to delete also cash box level which were not set to 0 be broken clearing.

Delete all entries for currency
FROM control.cash_box_level
WHERE currency = 'HRK';

2.2. End result

After deletion PDM.control should show only cash box levels in current currency.

Figure 2. Current currency