
This document is only collection of author’s notes, experiences and point of views. It is not, in any meaning, either complete description of the topic nor official RTB documentation. It may be inaccurate, incomplete, obsolete, misleading or completely wrong. It may even cause loss of data or damage system integrity. It may not comply with company codex, values, presentation style or economic interests or may reveal company secrets.

As such, it is absolutely prohibited to distribute this document outside of RTB & Co. GmbH. Such an action may result into legal acts against both the sender and the company. It is only intended, after review of technical and presentational correctness and accuracy, to be used as an information source for official documentation.

Always contact documentation department for information about current presentation style and allowed formats before creating customer’s documentation.


Component Version






10? (not tested)




Added integration with EasyPark. To configure it open Area to configure and select Partners.

Form needs to be filled based on environment which is required. There is 'staging' for integration tests and 'production' for real usage.

Some non-intuitive fields of configuration are explained bellow.

API configuration

Zone configuration Here is defined mapping between PDM.control zones and EasyPark 'areas'. Please provide assigned 'easy park area number' to each zone which should be integrated with easy park. One 'easy park area number' can be used for multiple Zones. Int this case will EasyPark see them as one 'area'.

Please always consult the correct values with EasyPark or our help desk.


Integration with FTT refactored. Section WebClient logging is not valid any more. If HTTP communication logging is required set logger


Export payment’s user’s data

API /api/export/v1/payments/byOrder was extended to present also user’s data. See example output, section data.

Sample exported data element
	"continuationToken": "50186",
	"hasMore": true,
	"payments": [{
		"id": 45153,
		"pdmId": 14523,
		"price": {
			"val": 6.00,
			"cur": "HRK"
		"validFrom": "2022-12-02T17:35:00",
		"validTo": "2022-12-02T17:35:00",
		"recieved": "2022-12-03T10:13:36.63632",
		"tracer": 1318,
		"ticketNr": 133,
		"reason": "PURCHASE",
		"type": "VISA",
		"tariff": "T4 PayOnExit",
		"carLicense": null,
		"data": {
			"jir": "ff2ed13d-259b-4c6d-befc-1bd2c10b6f9c",
			"reg": "offline",
			"zki": "2c25151e70ba356e3a498041c51699f5"
Please not that it is not recommended to use newly added data section. It contains volatile data which may change at any point of time in the future, as PDM decide to update them. If such a data are changed after export, client will be not notified about this fact. Therefore data exported in the past may not reflect current data.

Offline detection

Inactivity interval
Currently PDM.control reacts on every missing keep alive message with creating message 1300. Mainly all mobile network providers disconnect SIM cards daily or after few days. I think that message 1300 should be created if 3 keep alive could not be sent. Otherwise we have many startled customers, but the most situations they see are regular.
— PM
from Jira issue PCON-2739

Detection of offline PDMs was changed according PM decision. Until now was the offline PDM detected by keep alive message delayed more then 3 minutes. New implementation marks PDM as offline after x missing keep alive messages. Value of x can be set in application configuration by property below. Default value is 3.


Property pcon.alive-monitor.uncertainty was removed.

Default keep alive

There are some PDMs v5 which sends one status message per day but not during a weekend. PDM5 does not support standard keep alive. To prevent false positive offline detection default value of defaultAlive was changed to 3 days.


This settings does not affect behavior of PDM7 which uses keep alive messages.


Mute PDM5 errors

PDM 5 are able to repeat wrong message every minute for many weeks, which completely pollutes log file. There is no way to fix errors in PDM5 (it is not supported any more). The only way how to prevent PDM 5 to report repetitive problems over and over is to mute it. All PDM5 problems are now reported on debug level. To keep old behavior set:

pcon.compatibility.mute-pdm5-errors = false
Exit on exception

To increase stability, PDM.control is automatically terminated on certain exceptions. It is expected that service or cloud orchestrator re-starts / re-deploys application automatically. To keep old behavior set:

pcon.compatibility.exit-on-exception = false


  • Deprecated API /api/enforcement/ removed.

  • Bonus "Cumulative time"

  • Configuration of FTT was redesigned to be compatible with EasyPark. Property UserID was remove from zone properties. Please set zones configuration again to FTT partner properties.

  • Removed deprecated processing of bonuses BONUS_LPN_BASIC1, BONUS_PDN_BASIC1, BONUS_LPN_MULTI_TARIFF_1. Be sure that new firmware is installed.


  • Link to RTB help-desk from all partners.

  • Copy message forwarding rule by button. If user copy a rule which he currently does own it becomes owner of the copy.

  • Update plan name is shown as link to be clear that it is clickable.


Max-upload size

The maximum size of file which is possible to upload to PDM.control (firmware, configuration …​) is currently set to 10 MB. It should be enough for common files. If you need to increase it (e.g. 20 MB) please set folowing parameters. Please note that both needs to have same value.



Fixed performance issues for logbooks.



  • Integration with OneCard (University o Waterloo).

  • Loading spinner for income chart od PDM page during recalculation after switching PDM.


  • Missing color of grouped PDMs on map.

  • Enforcement export, wrong validity start.

  • Partly cut text in card headers.

  • No all card headers have same height.

  • Wrong color of none status icon.

  • Incorrect css for ok icon in data tables.



  • Summary line for report View  Revenue  PDM.

  • Extension of clearing detail.

    • Summary line in clearing detail.

    • Date of last clearing.

    • Duration of last clearing

    • List of 5 previous clearings of the same type with cleared value.


  • Fix error when user clicks outside clearing detail button within a table cell.



  • Change default model to PDM 7 for uploaded files.

  • Added new reasons for status 204.

  • Added new remote commands

    • 76 - Set TMS address

    • 77 - Write configuration parameter


  • Update correctly remote action page if user switch PDM.