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1. Overview

The document describes how the integration between PDM and Feratel is done. This integration allows to work with QR codes issued by Feratel in Austria. implementation is similar to Brain behind.

1.1. PDM

Handling of requests has been made via real time request framework developed earlier (Real time multi request). There is just one request to find out if the card is know to feratel and valid. In such a case PDM will switch some special tariff.

2. Card validity

2.1. Request

To find if the card is valid, it is necessary to provide the card id (KKN) and area (GAC) within real-time request number 24.

Card ID is string and leading zeroes matters. ID 123 ≠ 0123 ≠ 000123

Card validity request

2.2. Response

The response contains two interesting fields.

  • cardValid - string which indicates if the card is valid. "1" = valid, "0" = invalid, rest is undefined and should not happen.

  • cardNr - card number. It is something different then cardID.

  • ERC - error code. See chapter error codes.

Examples below demonstrates different response categories.

Valid card
Invalid card

Filed cardNr is equal to 0

API error

Table of error codes is below in chapter error codes.

3. Error codes

Table 1. Standard Web API error codes
Error code Meaning


Service is disabled in PDM.control


Response can not be understand by our system. This is probably implementation error or changed API. Please contact help desk.


Web API did not understood request. See mnemonic ERM for details.


Web API understood the request but refused to fulfill it. See mnemonic ERM for details.